Geospatial analysis (Python libraries included).

6 min readJan 11, 2024


Geospatial analysis is a powerful technique that allows us to explore and interpret spatial data, gaining insights into the geographical patterns and relationships within our world. Whether you’re interested in environmental monitoring, urban planning, or business intelligence, geospatial analysis can provide valuable information. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll delve into the basics of geospatial analysis using Python, a popular and versatile programming language.


Before diving into geospatial analysis, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of Python. If you’re new to Python, consider familiarizing yourself with the language’s syntax and concepts. Here’s a quick example to get you started:

# Hello, World! in Python
print("This is how you print something in python")

Libraries for Geospatial Analysis:

Python offers a range of powerful libraries for geospatial analysis. Two widely used libraries are Geopandas and Folium.

[ i ] - Geopandas:

Geopandas extends the Pandas library to enable working seamlessly with geospatial data. It simplifies operations like reading, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data. To install Geopandas, use the following:

# Install Geopandas
pip install geopandas

A basic demonstration or implementation can be seen below :

import geopandas as gpd

# Read a shapefile
gdf = gpd.read_file('path/to/shapefile.shp')

# Display the first few rows of the GeoDataFrame

Geopandas is a powerful Python library that extends the capabilities of the Pandas library to handle geospatial data effortlessly. Geospatial data involves information tied to specific geographic locations, such as points on a map, boundaries of regions, or even entire countries. Geopandas simplifies the process of working with this type of data, making it accessible and intuitive for data analysis and visualization.

Key Features of Geopandas:

1. Integration with Pandas:

Geopandas seamlessly integrates with Pandas, a widely-used data manipulation library in Python. This means you can use Geopandas to perform familiar Pandas operations on geospatial datasets, making it easy to manipulate and analyze spatial information.

2. Geometric Objects:

Geopandas introduces geometric objects through the Shapely library, allowing you to create, manipulate, and analyze shapes like points, lines, and polygons. These geometric objects form the foundation for representing and working with spatial data.

import geopandas as gpd

# Create a GeoDataFrame with a Point geometry
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(2, 0)]})

3. Spatial Operations:

Geopandas makes it easy to perform spatial operations, such as intersections, unions, and buffer operations. These operations enable you to analyze relationships between different spatial datasets

# Example: Buffer operation
gdf['buffered'] = gdf['geometry'].buffer(0.5)

4. Reading and Writing Spatial Data:

Geopandas supports various spatial data formats, including Shapefiles, GeoJSON, and GeoPackages. You can use the read_file function to read spatial data into a GeoDataFrame and to_file to save your GeoDataFrame back to a file.

# Read a Shapefile into a GeoDataFrame
gdf = geopandas.read_file('path/to/shapefile.shp')

# Save the GeoDataFrame to a GeoJSON file
gdf.to_file('output.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')

5. Plotting and Visualization:

Geopandas simplifies the process of creating static and interactive maps. You can use the plot method to generate basic visualizations and customize them using Matplotlib. Additionally, Geopandas seamlessly integrates with Folium for creating interactive web maps.

# Basic map plot

Use Cases for Geopandas:

1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

Geopandas is invaluable for visualizing and exploring spatial patterns in your data. EDA tasks, such as mapping the distribution of data points or analyzing the density of features across a region, become straightforward.

2.Urban Planning:

Analyzing land-use patterns, zoning regulations, and infrastructure planning are common applications of Geopandas in urban planning. The library helps planners make informed decisions based on spatial data.

3.Epidemiology and Public Health:

Geopandas is widely used in epidemiological studies to map and analyze the spread of diseases. By visualizing the geographical distribution of cases, researchers can identify hotspots and patterns.

4.Environmental Monitoring:

Assessing environmental changes, tracking deforestation, or monitoring wildlife habitats are areas where Geopandas plays a crucial role. The library facilitates the analysis of spatial relationships within ecosystems.

5.Logistics and Transportation:

Geopandas aids in optimizing transportation routes, analyzing traffic patterns, and visualizing the spatial distribution of transportation-related data. This is particularly useful in logistics and supply chain management.

To know more about Geopandas refer :
Geopandas Documentation

[ ii ]- Folium:

Folium is a versatile and user-friendly library for creating interactive maps in Python. Whether you’re a data scientist, researcher, or enthusiast, Folium empowers you to communicate spatial insights effectively and engage your audience with dynamic map visualizations. Explore its features, experiment with different map elements, and elevate your storytelling with the power of interactive maps!

Folium is a Python library that makes it easy to create interactive maps.
Folium is a Python library that simplifies the process of creating interactive maps. Built on top of the Leaflet.js JavaScript library, Folium allows users to generate maps with rich visualizations, making it an excellent tool for exploring and presenting spatial data. Whether you’re visualizing data points, choropleth maps, or complex geographical relationships, Folium provides an easy-to-use interface for creating dynamic and interactive maps.

Install Folium using :

# Install Folium
pip install folium

Here’s a simple example using Folium to create a basic map:

import folium

# Create a map centered at a specific location
m = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=10)

# Save the map as an HTML file'map.html')

Common Geospatial Analysis Tasks:

1. Spatial Data Visualization:

Use Geopandas and Folium to visualize spatial data. You can create choropleth maps, scatter plots, and interactive maps to better understand the geographical distribution of your data.


Geocoding involves converting addresses into geographic coordinates. The Geopy library is helpful for this task .

from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="my_geocoder")
location = geolocator.geocode("New York, USA")

print((location.latitude, location.longitude))

3.Storytelling with Maps:

Folium is a great tool for creating narrative-driven maps. By combining text, images, and interactive map elements, you can tell compelling stories with geographical context.

4.Environmental Monitoring:

Folium is employed in environmental science to visualize data related to pollution, climate change, and other environmental factors. The interactive maps help convey the spatial distribution of environmental phenomena.

Key Features of Folium:

1.Simple Integration:

Folium seamlessly integrates with other Python data science libraries such as Pandas and NumPy. This makes it convenient to overlay geographical data onto your maps, making them more informative and engaging.

2.Various Map Tiles:

Folium supports a variety of map tiles, including OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Stamen. You can easily choose the tileset that best suits your visualization needs

import folium

# Define the latitude and longitude of the location you want to map
latitude = 37.7749
longitude = -122.4194

# Create a map with OpenStreetMap tiles
m = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=10)

# Add a marker to the map
folium.Marker([latitude, longitude]).add_to(m)

# Save the map as an HTML file'map.html')

3. Marker and Popup Support:

Folium allows you to add markers to your maps, making it simple to highlight specific locations. You can customize markers with icons and popups to convey additional information.

# Add a marker with a popup
folium.Marker([latitude, longitude], popup='Marker Popup').add_to(m)

4.Choropleth Maps:

Folium makes it easy to create choropleth maps by allowing you to color regions based on data values. This is particularly useful for visualizing patterns across geographical areas.

# Create a choropleth map
folium.Choropleth(geo_data='path/to/geojson_file.geojson', data=df, columns=['area', 'value'], key_on='').add_to(m)


Folium supports heatmaps, enabling you to visualize the density or intensity of a phenomenon across a geographical region.

import folium.plugins

latitude = 37.7749
longitude = -122.4194
intensity = 10

latitude2 = 37.7750
longitude2 = -122.4195
intensity2 = 11

folium.plugins.HeatMap(data=[[latitude, longitude, intensity], [latitude2, longitude2, intensity2]]).add_to(m)

Output for the above code :

6.Layer Control:

Folium provides a layer control feature that allows users to toggle between different map layers, making it easy to manage complex visualizations with multiple overlays.

# Add layer control

To know more about Folium you can refer the link attached below :

Folium official Documentation

All the above blocks of code or small segments have been executed in the notebook attached below :

Geopandas + Folium Kernel :

I am also currently working on a AirBNB project for the same purpose you can refer the same using below link :

The dataset I have used in the above notebook is linked below :

Thank you for your time ;

I hope the Blog in the addition with your notebook was worth the time taken by you to read the blog overall . Do share your reviews and opinions in the comment sections .

Regards ;
Darshan D Prabhu.

(Aao Code Kare).



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